Back to school packs

Back to school packs

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Back to School Packs

Great value packs with all school name labels you could need for the new school term. Currently, it’s more important than ever that children don’t mix up their belongings when they return to school. Avoid trips to lost property with our multipacks. Stick pack includes your choice of shoe labels, small name labels, stick on clothing labels and two bag tags. So not only can you make sure plimsolls and gym shoes don’t get switched. Our durable, high quality stick on labels can be used to identify lunch boxes, water bottles or any hard surfaces. Dishwasher and microwave safe too so you know that they will last. We also have an easy, iron on labels pack which are tested to resist a 90 °C washing machine cycle. It includes 25 easy to use iron on labels for labeling clothes, which are easy to apply and long lasting.With a quick swish of the iron you can permanently label your child’s jackets, jumpers and even socks! Bag tags will match your vinyl image and text choices. Sew on back to school label packs also feature in our range. The classic way to label clothing. For an old fashioned way, we even have woven iron on label packs which are especially handy for blazers and other formal childrenswear. Great if you're after a professional woven look. Set options are Arial text for bag tags and the vinyl image shows on the bag tags. Snappy tags and name tags packs can be purchased too. No ironing required, simply press and click with the applicator and your Snappy Tags are easily applied. They can even be reused when they eventually outgrow their uniforms. All purchases are covered under our 100% money back guarantee. All of our back to school label packs are made in the UK too so you’re supporting UK business.